Sunday, February 4, 2018

I'm back baby!!!

I'm sure nobody reads this blog anymore.  It's my fault!  I haven't posted for almost 5 years! 

Ironically I have an almost 5 year old.  You do the math.  

I am also posting this the same day that I have been released from serving as the President of the Young Men's Program for church.  If you don't know what this is, it's a church calling/responsibility that over-sees the male youth ages 12 to graduation and includes the Boy Scout program. 

In January of this year I crossed the 10 year mark for serving with the youth...a decade!  Wowza.  I was scared to death and incredibly intimidated when I was first asked to participate in this program.  After 10 years I have come to love and respect the youth that ARE this program and their parents.  And I will miss it terribly!  It's been just over 7 hours since I was officially released but I feel an odd vacancy inside already!  It's almost like I'm not sure what to do with myself. 

To give you an idea:

 My average Sunday responsibilities included a meeting before church, then 3 hours of normal church (3 Hours?!?  Mormons are weird...), then often times a meeting after.  I was often at church starting at 9:30am, and wouldn't leave until 3:00pm...ish.  Yikes.  Then there were our weekly activity nights that would take me away from my family for 2-3 hours (normally on a Tuesday or Wednesday evening).  Then our weekend activities such as camp-outs, bike rides, hikes, etc.  So in an average week, I'd spend as many as 4 days out of 7 away from my family.  

Side Note: Shout out to my amazing wife!  She has loved and supported me in these responsibilities.  She has gotten our boys ready for church by herself, taken them herself, for over 4 years now.  To put THAT in perspective, you try lugging a church bag, a toy bag, a 30 pound purse that has enough provisions inside to support a small country,  a 4 year old, and a baby carrier with a baby in it across a church parking lot, in a dress, on your own and still look as hot as she does by the time she gets inside...  My wife rocks and I don't deserve her! 

I am positive I made things more difficult than I should have...which I often do.  And when I was asked (by my wife) why I was always gone (physically or mentally), all I could think of to tell her was that I was trying to be the youth leader I hope my boys will have when they grow up and start this program. 

I know it sounds like I'm whining.  I am actually honored that I had this opportunity to learn from the the youth.  I was constantly learning from them and felt close to them in many ways.  And my successors are well equipped and amazing people.  So I have no reason but to feel thankful for the time I had and realize that, while I enjoyed serving in this capacity, I now get to spend some much anticipated time with the family!

Thus the blog!  Now that I have thoroughly over-explained the situation, I am hoping to dedicate time to document the great things that are happening around me. 

But first, I need to go back and fix my blog!  You'll notice (depending on at what point you read this post) most of the previous posts have lost their pictures.  Funny story-I deleted them.  See, when I was a youngster newb, and I got my first Android phone, and I synced my blog to my phone, and the pictures from my blog showed up on my phone, and my mild OCD was bothering me having pictures on said phone that I wasn't interested in having on there, and so I deleted deleted it from my blog as well.  Stupid?  Yes.  So I'd like to go back and try to fix it! 

With that, I will leave you with this quote from the famous Andy Bernard: 

"I wish there was a way to know you're in 
"the good old days", before you've actually left them."

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